Platforms and Labs

Education Technology & Services
The Platforms and Labs divisions operate as two complementary divisions within EduInnov8 to reimagine solutions to transform Education at scale. We empower teachers for their success using edtech solutions to support their pedagogy . Our “Buy and Build” strategy" ensures efficiency and expediency.

About Platforms and Labs

Revolutionising education through innovation and collaboration.
From the groundbreaking work of the EduInnov8 Foundation, Platforms seeks to integrate edtech solutions in Platforms and innovate through Labs for holistic solutions that make a difference, at scale, for educators, learners, institutions, governments and communities.

Platforms Portfolio

The Platforms portfolio invests into successful edtech businesses and industry experts to unlock growth from the strong core and base through investment capital, integration with portfolio companies and utilising worlds best technologies. A platform for core product and sustainable growth that is fueled from acquisitions and innovative Labs initiatives. Holistic consolidated solutions that leverage technology and solve for education needs at scale.

Labs Portfolio

The Labs portfolio invests in and brings together the next generation of edtech solutions emphasising software intellectual property (IP) ownership and data-driven solution design for the “future of education". Social (community) and technology initiatives that are not bound by conventional or entrenched methods, and whose outcomes are impactful at scale.

Buy and Build Strategy

Commitment to Excellence in Education

Platforms and Labs support the EduInnov8 Buy and Build strategy for holistic solutions, from a one-stop-shop, that can deploy solutions “just in time” and continuously evolve to increase efficiency, reimagine education and engage community, educators, learners and institutions.

At EduInnov8 we believe in constant compounding growth that is measurable and we operate in an environment of shared responsibility and accountability. We act responsibly for our investors, learners, educators and the community at large.

“The best time to invest in our future was yesterday, and the next best time is today”

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